

  • SugarSync a leading online file sharing and online backup solution ideal for small businesses, busy professionals and digitally-connected consumers (since acquired by J2 Global (Nasdaq: JCOM)).
  • Invited by the CEO to reinvigorate marketing to drive growth and new customer acquisition.


  • Developed and executed three month online media plan to drive new customer acquisition programs by launching new online display advertising channels, optimizing and growing paid search initiatives, and implementing landing page A/B testing processes.


  • Developed and led implementation of testing new no credit card registration path for use with paid search non-brand keyword terms and display advertising.
  • Improved conversion rates by 8X (11.8% vs. 1.87%).
  • Secured and placed media with: Netshelter, Mediamath, & Facebook.
  • Netshelter reduced cost per trial registration from >$1,000 down to $100. This was done through landing page improvements and working with Netshelter to optimize against better performing publishers.
  • Not all campaigns are successful Mediamath and Netshelter did not back into a effective ROI to continue. Recommended ending campaigns and exploring other channels.
  • Introduced Google retargeting display campaigns capturing sales from consumers who had previously expressing interest in SugarSync.